divendres, 4 de març del 2011


Since the last year I started going to a Cau -an escort movement- from Figueres, called Xiprers al Vent with another people of Castelló. We are there because we want to open one here. I've never been before in a place like this, and I like it a lot.

We are all together and there are some words children have always in their minds: respect, help, share and have fun. They don't get angry when they can't catch another kid when we play "mataconills", for example.

Imagine the situation: a lot of children playing like they are home, there's no kid without friends, it's like a huge family! "Caps" (like teachers...) organise activities each Saturday with an objective. They don't do nothing without an objective. For example, I am in the castors' group and we always work on recycling and saving nature.

I won't regret joining this Cau, because the people is so kind, they help us a lot and we try to help them too, but we're not professionals! We do what we can...

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