dilluns, 3 de gener del 2011


I've finished 2010 in a different way... I always was at home in New Year's Eve, or at grandparents', but this last time I said it was enough, so I innovated my plans!

I went to Girona with a friend of mine, Roser, and with her friends. I only knew three or four guys from the party, who were really kind with me, like the other people.

We went by train to Girona where we found some stupid girls singing inside the coach, but we arrived in a good mental state (joking...).

We had a lot of fun and Clara's parents (we were all in her house) prepared some cute papers where we had to write our wishes to 2011 and burn them.

2010 has been a magical year, my life went better after that year and I won't let this year ruin my life! I hope I can pass 2nd Batxillerat and go to Barcelona.
I want my friends this year, too, because it won't be a fantastic 2011 if they are not by my side!

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