diumenge, 21 de novembre del 2010

Dimestore diamond

The title of this blog is Dimestore diamond, that's the title of a song of Gossip, an indie American music band.
I wanted to explain why I chose this title, but It'd cooler if I try to translate the song to Catalan just with the help of Wordreference...

I hope I can translate more or less good the song...

Everybody knows the things she does to please
Low cut sweaters with her skirt above her knees
She's a dimestore diamond

(Tothom sap les coses que fa per complaure
Jerseis escotats amb la seva faldilla per sobre els genolls
Ella és un diamant barat)

Everybody knows just where she gets her clothes
A water coloured painting in a renoir pose
She's a dimestore diamond

(Tothom sap on consegueix la seva roba
Una pintura amb aigua en una postura renoir
Ella és un diamant barat)

Everybody knows but no one can tell
A homemade haircut but she wears it well
She's a dimestore diamond

(Tothom ho sap, però ningú pot dir-ho
Un tallat de cabell fet a casa,
però el llueix bé
Ella és un diamant barat)

You can call her broke, you can call her poor
But everybody knows that she ain't cold no more
She's a dimestore diamond

(Pots dir-li trencada, pots dir-li pobre
Però tothom sap que no és freda
Ella és un diamant barat)

Shines like the real thing
Real thing
Real thing
Dimestore diamond

(Brilla com el de veritat
El de veritat
El de veritat
Diamant barat)

Gotta catch you one
Gotta catch you one one
Gotta catch you one
(N'has d'agafar un,
N'has d'agafar un un
n'has d'agafar un)

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