diumenge, 21 de novembre del 2010

2nd Batxillerat: first impressions

Last year I did something like that, telling my opinions to everyone who was reading my blog... so I was talking alone, haha.

The first term is almost over and there's no doubt that this three months have been the most stressing months EVER! Work, work, work, work, work, exams, exams, research project, work, more work, a lot of exams, and mooooooooore work!! We got stressed some times, like we are now!

And today me, and I guess more people, feel like the last five years in ESO and First Batxillerat were like a joke. If I compare just a week this year with a whole term of 1st Batxillerat... I just can't compare! I've never felt this stress, and I think it's too bad and shows the bad conditions of our education system. The effort and perseverance had never appeared, since this september. And now we are fed up of 2nd batxillerat with just three months...

Anyway, we hope that when we finish the Research Project all that stress will disappear, but then we will have to wait for SELECTIVITAT EXAMS!!!

If we success we have to be so proud, because all the effort we will put on this year worth it!

1 comentari:

  1. I completely agree with you, and I also think that ESO was a joke comparing to Batxillerat, and 2nd of Batxillerat it was horrible, I hate to be stressed! But we have to think that it will be a hard year, but the last one. As Obama says, yes, we can claudia! :)


