diumenge, 22 de maig del 2011

FINAL REFLECTION: my English progress from 2009-2011

To do my reflection about how my English has improved since the beginning of 1st Batxillerat I've read the first letter I wrote to Gemma, my English teacher the last year.

I used to write with the correct grammar (more or less) and the grammar I knew at the moment, obviously. But what I wrote was not mature. Maybe that's something I tried to improve this year.

Today I compare that letter with my composition about the movie HOME, and now I can see how I changed my way to see the things, my personal opinion is not as important as it was before.

I didn't improve doing oral presentations because I hate them. I don't like to talk to people who don't give a shit of what I'm saying, and that's what happens with oral presentations. To be sincere, there are times that I don't care of the topics of other people, but I know a word that begins with RES and finishes with PECT, so I am without saying a word while someone from my class is putting forward his or her topic and listening it. Last year my presentation was about music and it was a totally disaster, as it was my last presentation. I don't know what can I say, and I don't know how can I prepare them. The presentation I felt I improved a little was the one I did with Stefi, I think it was funny and we prepared it with a week, it wasn't easy to us find the best videos and explain what we were going to show to the class.

My problem with oral presentations is not talking in English, is feeling nobody (well, not nobody...) understands nothing and sorry, but that's not the most comfortable system to learn. That's not comfortable for me, because I'm doing the oral presentation, and that's not comfortable for the people who is listening to me, they don't understand me or they don't care about what I am trying to say. That's all. If I feel I'm not talking with anyone, I begin to get nervous.

I can't put a video link because I couldn't upload a video of the oral exposition and I deleted the last year blog.

Talking about grammar, it has improved a little because of some things we've learnt this year but I don't see a drastic change in my English.

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